Thursday, December 25, 2008

Typotheque/Peter Biľak – History

History is a type system built by Peter Biľak for Typotheque, the design studio/type foundry he operates with his wife Johanna. The History "family" includes 21 independent typefaces which share similar measurements so that they may be combined (and recombined) by the typographer. This provides for the opportunity to create unique, hybrid typefaces which blend not only type styles, but the time periods which they represent—from renaissance to baroque to digital. To manage such an immense system, Biľak has also produced a web application titled "History Remixer" which places the type styles on an interactive platform; allowing for the typographer to combine the type styles in real time with control features of color, size, opacity, and layering. Click HERE to use the History Remixer and HERE to learn more about the type system—including its origins (the history of History) which date back over a decade.

1 comment:

ellen zhao, BURO-GDS said...

Very nice typeface indeed. i have pictures of the specimen book here